Empowering individuals with disabilities to achieve their full potential

About Us

Ade Emmanuel Group Homes were incorporated in Los Angeles, California, in 2013. Ade Emmanuel Group Homes. It comprises a seasoned, dedicated, and passionate group of professionals who have come together to positively impact the lives of people with any form of disability. The Ade-Emmanuel team truly cares and has empathy for people with disabilities. We do not take serving individuals as a regular job but as a passion, a way of life, and a call to serve. Our goal is to provide quality services to individuals in need of specialized support to return to normal living conditions and integrate into society.

Down syndrome girl working at inclusive teamwork.
happy friends with disability socializing through internet

Our Staff

All staff at Ade-Emmanuel share the vision and mission statement of the agency. Ade-Emmanuel staff must also possess the following: The ability to withstand burn-out; the willingness of staff to offer time and talent to teach, wait, analyze progress, gently correct, and encourage. The ability to teach and measure outcomes; proactive in approaching an individual with special needs; sound judgment; a sense of values and principled thinking; honesty and integrity; good communication skills, ability to use the good and simple English language and individuals first language, correctly keep records and complete daily documentation; absence of negative traits such as common use of profanity and curse language, outbursts for anger, racist view and free of drug addiction.

Ade-Emmanuel employees must pass a thorough criminal background check/annual criminal background check. Our employees are trained in CPR, First Aid, and trained medication employees.

We will train Ade-Emmanuel employees on the following:

  • Employee Orientation Training
  • Specialized Training
  • Core Training
  • Enhanced Training
Mission Statement

The purpose of setting up a residential program for individuals with developmental disabilities is to serve the specific needs of individuals who are unable to attain their cherished goals without sufficient assistance and specialized training. We at Ade-Emmanuel believe that the greatest need of an individual with disabilities is to be fully part of community life as determined by their own preferences, desires, needs, and abilities. This implies acceptance by the community that individuals with disabilities are vital and contributing members of society with rights as well as responsibilities.

Vision Statement

Ade-Emmanuel envisions a world where individuals with developmental disabilities are empowered to achieve their cherished goals and become integral members of society. We believe that true inclusion is achieved when the community accepts and values individuals with disabilities as vital and contributing members of society with equal rights and responsibilities. Through our commitment to promoting independence, self-determination, and community integration, we strive to create a future where individuals with disabilities can live fulfilling lives and reach their full potential.